Originally published Chapman Brothers, Chicago, 1889. This is a reproduction on CD and is searchable. The first 190 pages of the original work which contains boiler plate on the presidents and governors was omitted in this reprint. This edition contains 583 pages. The book contains bio and portraits of citizens of the county. This copy is missing the views of the farms of Goodwine, Leeemon and Watts.
Vermilion county is in east central Illinois and is surrounded by Iroquois County, Benton County, Indiana, Warren County, Indiana, Vermillion County, Indiana, Edgar County, Douglas County, Champaign County, and Ford County. The county seat is Danville and other towns are Alvin, Belgium, Bismarck, Catlin, Fairmount, Fithian, Georgetown, Henning, Hoopeston, Indianola, Muncie, Oakwood, Potomac, Rankin, Ridge Farm, Rossville, Sidell, Tilton and Westville. About the CD: This CD provides the genealogist the opportunity to have access to information from a book that is difficult to locate in the used book market. The CD was made by scanning an original copy of the book. Any defect such as notes in the margin or light text will also appear in the CD version. The CD requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the file, the latest Windows version is included with the CD. The Mac & Window readers can also be downloaded from the Adobe website. The information on the CD can either be printed out and read in the traditional manner or viewed with your computer. When viewing on your screen the page size can be increased to make reading easier. This CD is searchable and has a series of bookmarks making navigation through the file easier. The CD is packaged in a projective sleeve.
Book# = IL74 | ![]() |
Abbott, Franklin Adams, Ellis Adams, John Adams, John Albright, Alanson Albright, Samuel Alexander, F. M. Allen, George Allen, Hon. Charles Allen, Wm. Allhands, F. M. Amis, James Amis, Mrs. Ankrum, Asa Ankrum, A. L. Ankrum, George Arbuckle, A. T. Armantrout, Hiram Armstrong, Thomas Babb, Ira Baker, C.A. Baldwin, F. Baldwin, J.R. Ball,S.O. Bandy, John Bandy, William Banta, J.H. Banta, William Bantz, Ezra Barnett, Geo. Barnett, R. E. Barnett, F. V. Barnett, James Bass, Henry Baum, C. C. Baum, Charles Baum, Frank Baum, G. T. Baum, Oliver Baum, S.W. Bennett, Henry J. Bennett, D. C. Blair, Samuel Blakeney, T. W. Blakeney, John Boardman, V. R. Boggess, J. W., M.D. Bolden, John E. Boyce, Henry Brady, John Brady, Thomas Branham, A. Brewer, J. W. Brooks, John Brown, William Buchanan, W. W. Buhl, Charles Burroughs, Major Wilson Busby, I. N. Bushnell, H. L. Butler, W. T. Cadle, Philip Campbell, D. Campbell, J. J. Canaday, G. W. Canaday, Henry Canaday, William Cannon, Hon. J. G. Caraway, C. T. Carter, Frank Cassell, Eliza Cast, Wilbur Cast, William Catherwood, A. T. Catherwood, J. S. Cauble, William B. Cessna, John Cessna, Wm. Chace, Henry Chandler, Wm. Chandler, W. R. Christman, J. S. Church, Charles Clark, John Clarkson, George Clifton, James Clingan, J. S. Clipson, Wm. Cloyd, J. P., M. D. Coake, Rev. David Coffman,S. A., M. D. Cole, John Collier, Alexander Collins, John Cook, Amos Cook, J. F. Cook, James Cook, Joseph Cook, Samuel Cooper, Charles Cooper, Mrs. Lucinda Cooper, John Copeland, Wm. Cotton, Henry Cox, Thomas Crane, John Crane, O. H. Cranson, John Crimmins, John Cunningham, W. O. Current, H. B. Current, Isaac Current, J. M. Dalbey, Aaron Dalbey, Samuel Daniel, O. M. Darnall, A. J. Davis, Henry Davis, H. V. Davis, James Davis, Jesse Davis, Jonah Davis, Judge O. L. Davis, William Dazey, Jacob Dicken, David Dickinson, William Dickson, David Dickson, Silas Dickson, S. S. Dillon, Jonathan Dilon, Geo. Dixon, Alfred Dodson, Geo. Donovan, S. P. Dougherty, B. F. Douglass, D. B. Douglass, J. M. Downing, C. L. Downs, W. H. Dunavan, A. Eaton, Adam Edens, Dr. Geo. |
Elder, A. W.
Elliott, Clayton Elliott, H. C. Elliott, John Elliott, Robert Elliott Wesley Engelmann, John Evans Geo. Evans, Hon. David Fagner, Christian Faurot, Ira Finley, M.T. Finley, Watts Fisher, Jho. W. Fisher, Michael Fisk, J. W. Fisk, R. W. Fithian, E. C. B. Fithian, Wm., M. D. Fleming, W. Fletcher, Henry Fletcher, Jno. Folger, John Folger, Uriah Forbes, C. W. Frazier, Samuel Freeman, A. C. Freeman, H. L. French, Ersom Fuliz, Jacob Gaines, Francis Gardner, Wm. H. Garlaugh, H. Geddes, J. M. Giddings, Albert Giddings, Jno. W. Goings, I. V. Goodwine, J. W. Gossett, M. B. Graves, Levi Gray, C..F. Gray, William Green, Bingham Gritten, Laben Grundy, A. Gurley, Daniel Guthrie, Andrew Guthrie, Thomas Hacker, F, M. Hagley, T. K. Harper, A Hawkins, William Haworth, Beriah Haworth, Thos. Haworth, W. B. Hays, James Hayward, Martin Healy, James Heileman, Geo Henton, C. D. Herron, William Hester, Cassius Hester, William Hewes, T. F. Hildreth, John Hillman, Charles Hinshaw, Dr. D. C. Hoagland, Geo. Honeywell, A. Hoopes, Thomas Hopper, Lewis Howard, Guy Huffman, Geo. Hull, C. F. Hull, J. F., M. D. Humphreys, Thomas Humrichous John Jack, Reuben Jackson, Amos Jackson, Jno. Jackson, J. L. Johnston, David Jones, A. Jones, E. P. Jones, F. Jones, Geo. Wheeler, M. D. Jones, Ira Jutly, William Jurgensmeyer, William Kelly William Kent, W.W. Keplinger Thomas Kimbrough, A. H., M. D. Kilbourn, Jonathan Kingsky, V. C. T., M. D. Kinsey, Jno Knox, R. M. Langley, Casper Larrance, Jonathan Larrance, M. L. Layton, D. Leach, Benj. F. Lee, Thomas Leeka, Dr. Jesse Leemon, Jno. Lemon, Theodore M. D. Lewis, Allen Ligget, Jesse Lloyd, Henry Long, Anthony Lytle, J. R.,M. D. Makemson, Hiram Makemson, John Mann, A. Mann, W. J. Manning, L. V. Matkin,T. Matteson, Joel McBroom, William McCabe, John McCaughey, T.C.,M.D. McCaul, Michael McDowell, Archibald McDowell,J.I. McDowell, Mrs. E. C. McGee, John McKee,T. D. McMellan, James McVey, John McMillin, William Mendenhall, John Mendenhall, Silas Miller, Geo. Miller, J. W. Miller, William Mills, Henry Mills, William Mitchell, James Moreland, Mrs. C. T. Moreland, Thomas Morgan, S.Ross Morgan, T. M. Moses, J. S. |
Moses, J. S. Moss, Joseph Newell, Henry Newkirk, Jno. Newlin, Jno. Norris, N. J., Neville, Geo. Oakes, Daniel Oakwood, H. J. Oakwood, Hon. J. H. Oakwood, Michael Odle, Miles Olehy, F. M. Olehy, William Olmsted, A. G. O'Neal, Perry Orr, James Owen, Alexander Padgitt, John Park, Timothy Parrish, John H Partlow, Asa Partlow, John Pasteur, F. J. Pate, B.C. Patterson, Golden Patterson, Mrs. Mary Patterson, William Patton, Merrick Pearson, Gustavus C. Peirce, Hon. Wm. P. Peterson, Philip Pratt, Thomas Price, W. H. Poettken, Rev. F, A. Pugh, Granville Pugh, Martin Puzey, H. Rees, William Reid, D. B. Reid, L. A. Reynolds, Moses Reynold,s, Theodore Reynolds, Thomas Rice, Daniel Rice, J. J. Rice, T. R. Richardson, F. A. Richardson, Joseph Richardson, Margret Rickart, W. V. Riggs, Luther A. Robertson, J, J. Robertson, Zachariah. Robinson, H M. Rodrick, William H. Ross, John E. Ross, Mrs. Susan Rouse, Dennis Rowand, John Salladay, Jno. Sanders, George Sandusky, Guy Sandusky, A. Sandusky, James Sandusky, J. S. Sandusky, William Sandusky, W. T. Sconce, Mrs. Emma Sconce, James Sconce, William Shaw, S. S. Sidell, J. J. Sinkhorn, A. J. Slaughter, R. S. Smith, David R. Smith, F. P. Smith, Geo. Smith,Jno. Smith, R.B. Smith, William Snow, Abner Snowden, B. F. Snyder, E. Southworth, J. J. Sperry, O. Spry, G. M. Stadler, Adam Stallings. J. Stark, Samuel Steams, Alvin Steams, Calvin Stevens, Jas. Stevens, Samuel Stevens, W. T. Stine, James M. Stufflebeam, O. P Sullivan, Geo. Swaim, Dr. P.H. Talbott, H. E.P. Taylor, Buford,M.D. Taylor, Thomas Thomas, John Thompson, James Thompson, John Thompson, J. R. Tillotson,Buell. Tillotson, Luther Tilton, Fred Tilton, G. W. Thompson, Samuel Trimble, M. Trisler, John Truax, Capt. Joseph Turner, Dr. Jno. W. Van Allen, Jno. H. Van Allen, William Van Duyn, John Vanneman, Wm. Van vickle, Enoch Villars, G. M. Vinson, Levin Voorhes, Albert Warner, C. W. Webster, Miss Sarah Wherry, Joseph White, A. L. White, James White, William Whitton, Chas Wilkins, Judge J. W. Williams, Nathan Williams, Thomas Williams, Truman Williams, William Winter, Carl Winters, W.V. Witherspoon, W. P. Worthington, R. R. Wright, Charles Wright, Hugh Yerkes, Hiram Young, Charles Zeigler, Benjamin |
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