Originally published Brink, McDonough and Company, Phialdelphia, 1880. This is a reproduction on CD and is searchable. This edition contains 277 pages; blank pages from the original were omitted. The first section of the book contains history of the county including a large section on the list of men who served in the Civil War. The second section contains bio and portraits of citizens of the county. A listing of the entries is shown below.
Macon county is surrounded by Logan, DeWitt, Piatt, Moultrie, Shelby, Christian and Sangamon counties IL. The county seat is Decatur. About the CD: This CD provides the genealogist the opportunity to have access to information from a book that is difficult to locate in the used book market. The CD was made by scanning an original copy of the book. Any defect such as notes in the margin or light text will also appear in the CD version. The CD requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the file, the latest Windows version is included with the CD. The Mac & Window readers can also be down loaded from the Adobe website. The information on the CD can either be printed out and read in the traditional manner or viewed with your computer. When viewing on your screen the page size can be increased to make reading easier. This CD is searchable and is packaged in a projective sleeve.
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Abbott, Nirum Adams, Charles Adams, O. C Albert, G. F Alexander, James II Allen, D. S Allman, Edward Allsup, Miner R Archer, H. Armstrong, J. Armstrong, William Armstrong, W. C Arnold, Hiram Baker, H. S Baker, N. M Baker, R. Baldwin, James S Banton, H. J Barbey, L. D Barnes, Dr. Ira N Barnes, Dr. W. A Barron, John Barth, Jacob W Bassey, Edward C Batchelder, David B Batcheldcr, John C Batchelder, J. J Batchelder, Moses E Bauer, C. R Baum, William Beall, Hillory Bean, C. H Berkler, Henry Betzer, George W Betzer, Peter Betzer, Reuben Bixby, J. G Black, John H Blank, William Boggs, Dr. William R Bommersbach, Nicholas Bottretl, J. D Boyce, J. C Boyd, James P Boyer, Melvin F Bramble, W. H Brett, David E Brewer, A. I) Brookshier, William F Brown, Charles H Brown, Henry H Brown, James E Brown, Dr. Josiah Brown, J. W Brown, Travis Buffmeyer, J. S Bundy, W. M Burgess, Sullivan Busher, W. F Butzien, Frederick Carmean, W. H Can-, Dr. E. D Carter, J. W Chamberlain, W. D Chenoweth, Dr. W. J Childs, J. S Clark, J. B Clark, William Clipston, Joseph K Combs, Jabez J Connaghan, Charles Connard, Charles E Connard, Martin E Conover, George Cooper, W. T Cowen, Charles C. H Crabb, Frank A Crane, J. W Crary, John M Crawford, W. M Crocker, John Crocker, John H Crow, E. W Crow, O. T Culver, J. H Cussins, Dr. J. S. C Daggett, Albion Dammeier, Christian Danzeisen, George J Davidson, A. H Bavis, Byrd L Davis, Jerome B Davis, Thomas Davis, Rev. W. H Deetz, Charles H. Delahunty, Walter Dempsey, Michael Dempsey, P. J Denise, D. E Dennis, Andrew Dewein, Victor Dickey, H. E Diekson, Adam Dinneen, Daniel Doake, Thomas B Downey, Charles U Downing, T. E Downing, W. TDrake, J. LDrury, Dr. G. W Duker, G. F Dunston, A. J Eberly, D. L Ehrhart, Joseph B Elwood, Casper C Ewing, Charles A Ewing, F. N Ewing, Mrs. Sarah Ann Eyman, J. A Faith, Charles H Faith, George Varies, Robert Fitzgerald, J. R Fletcher, J. W Koulke, Edward Foulke, W. L Frank, John Freeman, James Freeman, Mrs. Margaret A Gage, Wilson S Garver, William S Gastman, E. A Gepford, S. R Gerber, Samuel' Gilman, G. Fred Given, J. F |
Glore, Capt. J. H Gogerty, John Goode, F. R Gorin, Jerome R Gorin, O. B Graves, J. W Gray, Dr. James L Green, Joshua Greene, O. Z .Griffith, James G Grimm, Samuel Gushard, William Guthridge, C. K Hadwin, James Hagan, Henry Haines, Frank W Hamman, John W Hamman, Philip P Hammer, W. L Hamsher, William Hankins, Charles S Hardy, J. K Harpstrite, Augustus Harpstrite, Edward Hartley, C. J Hays, Charles Heckler, Anthony Hendricks, Jacob C Henshie, David Highly, H. L Hight, John R Hight, Robert W Hilbrant, S. 0 Hildebrandt, Theodore Hill, Douglas D Hill, H. W Hilvety, V. F Hobbs, Rev. James Hodge, H. D. M Holiday, Harry L Hollinger, James Holman, Carey L Hooper, W. J Hostetler, George F Housley, Mrs. N. J Hoy, Simon P Hunter, W. B Hurst, C. M Imboden, C. M imboden, J. G Jacobsen, Henning Jimison, G. A Johns, Dr. H. C Johnson, Milton Johnston, William Jones, Charles Jones, Thomas B Jones, William 0 Jones, Yong P Jostes, Henry Joynt, J. J., Kaylor, G. W Keck, John A Keister, John F Keller, John G Kemmerly, J. F Kepler, Mrs. Fannie Kile, Isaac W Kincaid, Robert F Knouff, A. S Koehler, Louis Kohr, Jacob W Kraschel, Frederick Kreher, Adam Kreidler, Henry Kretzer, David Krone, N. L Kuhns, Henry B Lanham, Benjamin F Laux, Charles Leavitt, T. N Leffingwell, L. B. C LeForgee, C. C Lehman, Frank P Lehn, F. W Lehn, George W Lehn, John P Lewis, Charles Lewis, Dwight F Lonergan, Dr. M. V Love, Joseph Lowe, G. F Lowry, Francis M Lowry, John M Ludwig, Charles Lunn, Henry Lyon, George S Lytle, R. P McCune, George McDonald, E. S McEvoy, John McLean, Dr. C. A McLean, Dr. W. T Magee, William J Major, Jacob Malone, Jones Matthew, Dr. John B Matthew, John L Maxon, Maywood May, Dr. S. R Melton, Dr. W. A Melvin, L. A Meridith, F. M Merris, E. M Mettlen, Alexander T Meyers, Mrs. Lovina Miller, John R Millikin, James Mills, A. H Mills, Joseph Mills, L. A Mittan, Dr. F. J Moffett, W. T Montgomery, A. R Montgomery, James H Moore, Josiah A Mowry, H. C Mueller, Hieronymus Murphey, Martin P Myers, Dr. N. D Nelson, William E Nesbitt, A. S Newell, William B Nicholls, R. A Nichols, J. E Nottelmann, J. II Oren, John H |
Osborne, J. E Outten, G. C Owen, H. M Packard, Silas Parker, Benjamin Parker, James H Parker, J. P Parker, Dr. O. F Patterson, David Pedicord, J. J Persinger, J. M Pfister, Charles C Pharo, Isaac F Phelan, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pickle, Newton F Pitner, Thomas W Pollock, Dr. M. D Pope, Walter Porter, Dr. D. W Powers, Orlando Powers, Samuel Powers, Thomas Pratt, Frank M Price, Jacob R Pritchett, Waller Provost, L. E Querry, Isaiah Query, Titus Race, James V Randolph, C. C Randolph, Guy A Record, J. H Ritchie, Mrs. C. M Ritchie, Samuel Roberts, Edwin J Roberts, T. T Roby, K. H Rogers, L. E Rothfuss, Andrew Ruehl, Charles F Ruthrauff, Harry Sampson, James N Schenck, Will Scherer, Nicholas Schroeder, Fred E Schroedcr, Rudolph H Schroeder, W. R Scott, Owen Scruggs, W. R Shanklin, J. G Shellabarger, D. S Shettel, H. A Shoemaker, Andrew Short, George B Sibley, Dr. B. F Simpson, Butler Singleton, Huston Smith, Mrs. Mary E Smith, S. K Smith, Will L Smith, W. S Spangler, Joseph Spence, Daniel C Spencer, Read Spitler, George B Spittler, Fred Spooner, P. D Springer, T. T Stare, George Stare, William H Starr, W. H Stein, Eckhardt C Sterrett, B. Stewart, Francis Stober, John G Stoner, Dr. A. J Stoner, T. C Stookey, Daniel Stoutenborough, G. S Stontenborough, J. B Stoutenborough, J. H Stoutenborough, J. L Stoutenborough, J. P Stuart, J. T Stuart, Oliver L Swain, Dr. S. H Taggart, Robert Tait, F. B Thatcher, Charles P Thomas, Dr. E. H Thompson, A. J Thompson, Capt. George W Tomlinson, Thomas W Torrence, Frank D Towne, F. P Trimmer, Abraham Trimmer, Andrew J Trimmer, Daniel W Trimmer, John F Trimmer, Joseph F Troutman, Jacob Tucker, Cyrus J Tucker, Joseph T Tupper, Col. Ansel Tupper, Col. N. W Tyler, Barton S Ulery, E. S Underwood, James G Van Deventer, C. J Van Gundy, J. D Wade, Edward Walker, J. W Wallace, William A Walter, Robert Walters, Clement C Warburton, Joseph Ward, J. T Washburn, S. G Weaver, Samuel Webb, S. T Welge, Henry Wells, F. P Whitmer, F. H Wilkinson, Mrs. Lamira Willard, J. G Williams, A. J Williams, J. C Williams, J. W Williams, Robert T Williams, W. H Williamson, Solomon Willoughby, W. H Wilson, James A Wilson, R. D Wise, H. H Woodcock, Harold R Woodcock, R. H Woods, Robert Yohe, J. E |
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